Manuel Gardner Fernandes

Stagetime: tba

Manuel Gardner Fernandes is a groundbreaking German guitarist whose innovative, percussive playing style has made him one of the most exciting musicians of his generation. Having picked up the guitar at the age of three, Manuel has spent decades pushing the boundaries of what the instrument can do, evolving into a true pioneer of modern metal music. Though his roots are firmly planted in metal - an influence that took hold during his teenage years - Manuel’s musical journey has grown to embrace a wide range of genres. From the soulful grooves of funk and jazz to the twang of country and the complex rhythms of fusion, his playing defies categorization. His signature technique, which blends dead notes with intricate percussive strumming, is both highly rhythmic and melodically rich, giving his sound a dynamic, instantly recognizable edge. This distinctive approach results from years of experimentation and formal education, where Manuel honed his craft into something truly his own. As the lead guitarist, vocalist, and producer for Unprocessed, Manuel has helped shape the sound of modern progressive metal, fusing complex arrangements with cutting-edge production techniques. Unprocessed’s music stands at the intersection of technical precision and creative freedom, earning the band a loyal following within the contemporary metal scene and beyond.

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